Full List


  • Da Wu, Zhengpu Zhao, Bo Lin, Yizhi Song, Jiajie Qi, Jian Jiang, Zifeng Yuan, Bowei Cheng, Mengze Zhao, Ye Tian, Zhichang Wang, Muhong Wu, Ke Bian, Kai-Hui Liu, Limei Xu, Xiao Cheng Zeng, En-Ge Wang, Ying Jiang, "Probing structural superlubricity of two-dimensionalwater transport with atomic resolution". Science 384,1254-1259. (2024)

  • Jiani Hong, Ye Tian, Tiancheng Liang, Xinmeng Liu, Yizhi Song, Dong Guan, Zixiang Yan, Jiadong Guo, Binze Tang, Duanyun Cao, Jing Guo, Ji Chen, Ding Pan, Limei Xu, En-Ge Wang, Ying Jiang, "Imaging surface structure and premelting of ice Ih with atomic resolution". Nature 630, 375–380. (2024)

  • Dong Guan, Ye Tian, Yizhi Song, Mengze Zhao, Kaihui Liu, Limei Xu, En-Ge Wang, Ying Jiang, "The effect of surface hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity on ion–ion interactions at water–solid interfaces". Faraday Discussion, 2024, 249, 38-49. (2024)

  • Xue-Jia Yu, Zhiming Pan, Limei Xu, and Zi-Xiang Li, "Non-Hermitian Strongly Interacting Dirac Fermions". Physical Review Letters 132, 116503. (2024)

  • Ye Tian, Yizhi Song, Y. Xia, Jiani Hong, Y. Huang, Runze Ma, S. You, Dong Guan, Duanyun Cao, M. Zhao, Ji Chen, C. Song, K. Liu, Limei Xu, Yiqin Gao, Enge Wang, and Ying Jiang, "Nanoscale one-dimensional close packing of interfacial alkali ions driven by water-mediated attraction". Nature Nanotechnology 10, 1038. (2024).


  • Binze Tang, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Limei Xu, and Nicolas Giovambattista."Harvesting Energy from Changes in Relative Humidity Using Nanoscale Water Capillary Bridges". Langmuir 2023, 39, 38, 13449–13458. (2023).

  • Yizhi Liu, Chen Fang, Shaoqin Jiang, Yuan Li, Limei Xu. "Spin Nernst effect and spatiotemporal dynamic simulation of topological magnons in the antiferromagnet Cu3TeO6". Physical Review B 108, 094427. (2023).

  • Binze Tang, Yizhi Song, Mian Qin, Ye Tian, Zhenwei Wu, Ying Jiang, Duanyun Cao, Limei Xu. "Machine learning-aided atomic structure identification of interfacial ionic hydrates from AFM images". National Science Review 10 (7), nwac282. (2023).

  • Zhen Wei Wu, Yixiao Chen, Wei-Hua Wang, Walter Kob, Limei Xu. "Topology of vibrational modes predicts plastic events in glasses". Nature Communications 14, 2955. (2023).

  • Xuejia Yu, Chengxiang Ding, Limei Xu. "Quantum criticality of a Z3-symmetric spin chain with long-range interactions".Physical Review107 (5), 054122. (2023).


  • XueJia Yu, Sheng Yang, Jingbo Xu, Limei Xu. "Fidelity susceptibility as a diagnostic of the commensurate-incommensurate transition: A revisit of the programmable Rydberg chain".Physical Review B 106 (16), 165124. (2022).

  • Xuejia Yu, Ruizhen Huang, Honghao Song, Limei Xu, Chengxiang Ding, and Long Zhang, "Conformal boundary conditions of symmetry-enriched quantum critical spin chains". Physical Review Letters 129(21), 210601. (2022).

  • Ye Tian, Jiani Hong, Duanyun Cao, Sifan You, Yizhi Song, Bowei Cheng, Zhichang Wang, Dong Guan, Xinmeng Liu, Zhengpu Zhao, Xin-Zheng Li, Limei Xu, Jing Guo, Ji Chen, En-Ge Wang, Ying Jiang. "Visualizing Eigen/Zundel cations and their interconversion in monolayer water on metal surfaces". Science 377(6603), 315–319. (2022).


  • Yingqi Zhang, Liying Zhou, Shengye Tao, Yuzhang Jiao, JinFeng Li, KaiMing Zheng, YuanChao Hu, KaiXuan Fang, Cheng Song, XiaoYan Zhong, Limei Xu, KeFu Yao, ZhengJun Zhang and Na Chen. "Widely tunable optical properties via oxygen manipulation in an amorphous alloy". Science China-Materials 64(9), 2305-2312. (2021).

  • Yizhi Liu, Gang Sun, Limei Xu. "Glass polyamorphism in gallium: Two amorphous solid states and their transformation on the potential energy landscape." J. Chem. Phys. 154 (13): 134503. (2021).

  • Qiong Gao, Jingdong Ai, Shixiang Tang, Minhuan Li, Yanshuang Chen, Jiping Huang, Hua Tong, Lei Xu, Limei Xu, Hajime Tanaka & Peng Tan. "Fast crystal growth at ultra-low temperatures". Nature Materials 20(10), 1431–1439. (2021).

  • Duanyun Cao, Yizhi Song, Binze Tang, Limei Xu. "Advances in Atomic Force Microscopy: Imaging of Two-and Three-Dimensional Interfacial Water". Frontiers in Chemistry 9, 745446. (2021).


  • Binze Tang, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Limei Xu, and Nicolas Giovambattista. "Energy Stored in Nanoscale Water Capillary Bridges between Patchy Surfaces". Langmuir 36(26), 7246–7251. (2020).

  • Runze Ma, Duanyun Cao, Chongqin Zhu, Ye Tian, Jinbo Peng, Jing Guo, Ji Chen, XinZheng Li, Joseph S. Francisco, Xiao Cheng Zeng, Limei Xu, EnGe Wang & Ying Jiang. "Atomic imaging of the edge structure and growth of a two-dimensional hexagonal ice". Nature 577(7788), 60–63. (2020).

  • Yizhi Liu, Gang Sun, Ali Eltareb, Gustavo E. Lopez, Nicolas Giovambattista, Limei Xu. "Nuclear quantum effects on the thermodynamic response functions of a polymorphic waterlike monatomic liquid". Physical Review Research 2(1), 013153. (2020).

  • Jianqing Guo, Liying Zhou, Andrea Zen, Angelos Michaelides, Xifan Wu, Enge Wang, Limei Xu, and Ji Chen. "Hydration of NH 4+ in water: bifurcated hydrogen bonding structures and fast rotational dynamics". Physical Review Letters 125(10), 106001. (2020).

  • Jing Guo, Duanyun Cao, Ji Chen, Ke Bian, Limei Xu, En-Ge Wang, Ying Jiang. "Probing the intermolecular coupled vibrations in a water cluster with inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy". Journal of Chemical Physics 152(23). (2020).


  • Liying Zhou, Jianhang Xu, Limei Xu, Xifan Wu. "Importance of van der Waals effects on the hydration of metal ions from the Hofmeister series". The Journal of Chemical Physics 150(12), 124505. (2019).

  • Ruidan Zhang, Jichao Dong, Ting Luo, Fujie Tang, Xingxing Peng, Chuanyao Zhou, Xueming Yang, Limei Xu, and Zefeng Ren. "Adsorption structure and coverage-dependent orientation analysis of sub-monolayer acetonitrile on TiO2 (110)". The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123(29), 17915–17924. (2019).

  • Limei Xu, Francesco Mallamace. "Preface to the special topic: New advances in water and water systems". Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy 62(10), 107001. (2019).

  • Duanyun Cao, Yizhi Song, Jinbo Peng, Runze Ma, Jing Guo, Ji Chen, Xinzheng Li, Ying Jiang, Enge Wang, Limei Xu. "Advances in atomic force microscopy: weakly perturbative imaging of the interfacial water". Frontiers in Chemistry 7, 626. (2019).


  • Zhenwei Wu, Walter Kob, Weihua Wang, Limei Xu. "Stretched and compressed exponentials in the relaxation dynamics of a metallic glass-forming melt". Nature Communications 9(1), 5334. (2018).

  • Rui Wang, Limei Xu, Feng Wang. "Molecular-scale processes affecting growth rates of ice at moderate supercooling". Frontiers of Physics 13, 1–10. (2018).

  • Fujie Tang, Tatsuhiko Ohto, Taisuke Hasegawa, Wen Jun Xie, Limei Xu, Mischa Bonn, and Yuki Nagata. "Correction to Definition of Free O–H Groups of Water at the Air–Water Interface". Journal of chemical theory and computation 14(6), 3363-3363 (2018).

  • Gang Sun, Limei Xu, and Nicolas Giovambattista. "Anomalous Features in the Potential Energy Landscape of a Waterlike Monatomic Model with Liquid and Glass Polymorphism". Physical Review Letters 120(3), 035701. (2018).

  • Jinbo Peng, Jing Guo, Prokop Hapala, Duanyun Cao, Runze Ma, Bowei Cheng, Limei Xu, Martin Ondráček, Pavel Jelínek, Enge Wang & Ying Jiang. "Weakly perturbative imaging of interfacial water with submolecular resolution by atomic force microscopy". Nature Communications 9(1), 122. (2018).

  • Jinbo Peng, Duanyun Cao, Zhili He, Jing Guo, Prokop Hapala, Runze Ma, Bowei Cheng, Ji Chen, Wenjun Xie, Xinzheng Li, Pavel Jelínek, Limei Xu, Yiqin Gao, Enge Wang & Ying Jiang. "The effect of hydration number on the interfacial transport of sodium ions". Nature 557(7707), 701–705. (2018).


  • Zhaoru Sun, Mohan Chen, Lixin Zheng, Jianping Wang, Biswajit Santra, Huaze Shen, Limei Xu, Wei Kang, Michael L. Klein, and Xifan Wu. "X-ray absorption of liquid water by advanced ab initio methods". Physical Review B 96(10), 104202. (2017).

  • Gang Sun, Limei Xu, Nicolas Giovambattista. "Relationship between the potential energy landscape and the dynamic crossover in a water-like monatomic liquid with a liquid-liquid phase transition". The Journal of Chemical Physics 146(1), 014503. (2017).

  • Wilbert J. Smit, Fujie Tang, M. Alejandra Sánchez, Ellen H. G. Backus, Limei Xu, Taisuke Hasegawa, Mischa Bonn, Huib J. Bakker, and Yuki Nagata. "Excess hydrogen bond at the ice-vapor interface around 200 K". Physical Review Letters 119(13), 133003. (2017).

  • Jinbo Peng, Jing Guo, Prokop Hapala, Duanyun Cao, Runze Ma, Bowei Cheng, Limei Xu, Martin Ondracek, Pavel Jelínek, Enge Wang, Ying Jiang. "Submolecular-resolution non-invasive imaging of interfacial water with atomic force microscopy". arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04400. (2017).

  • Shaopeng Pan, Z. W. Wu, W. H. Wang, M. Z. Li, Limei Xu. "Structural origin of fractional Stokes-Einstein relation in glass-forming liquids". Scientific Reports 7(1), 1–9. (2017).


  • Chongmiao Zhang, Limei Xu, Pengcheng Xu, Xiaochang C Wang. "Elimination of viruses from domestic wastewater: requirements and technologies". World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 32, 1–9. (2016).

  • Gang Sun, Ying Wang, Aleksey Lomakin, George B. Benedek, H. Eugene Stanley, Limei Xu, Sergey V. Buldyrev. "The phase behavior study of human antibody solution using multi-scale modeling". The Journal of Chemical Physics 145(19), 194901. (2016).

  • Renzhong Li, Gang Sun, Limei Xu. "Anomalous properties and the liquid-liquid phase transition in gallium". The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (5), 054506. (2016).

  • Silvina Cerveny, Francesco Mallamace, Jan Swenson, Michael Vogel, Limei Xu. "Confined water as model of supercooled water".Chemical reviews116 (13), 7608–7625. (2016).


  • Jan Wedekind, Limei Xu, Sergey V. Buldyrev, H. Eugene Stanley, David Reguera & Giancarlo Franzese. "Optimization of crystal nucleation close to a metastable fluid-fluid phase transition". Scientific Reports 5(1), 1–7. (2015).

  • Gang Sun, Nicolas Giovambattista, Limei Xu. "Confinement effects on the liquid-liquid phase transition and anomalous properties of a monatomic water-like liquid". The Journal of Chemical Physics 143(24), 244503. (2015).

  • Jiayuan Luo, Limei Xu, C. Austen Angell, H. Eugene Stanley, Sergey V. Buldyrev. "Physics of the Jagla model as the liquid-liquid coexistence line slope varies". The Journal of Chemical Physics 142(22), 224501. (2015).

  • Renzhong Li, Ji Chen, Xinzheng Li, Enge Wang, Limei Xu. "Supercritical phenomenon of hydrogen beyond the liquid–liquid phase transition". New Journal of Physics 17(6), 063023. (2015).

  • Lin Gu, Limei Xu, Qingsheng Zhang, Deng Pan, Na Chen, Dmitri V. Louzguine-Luzgin, Ke-Fu Yao, Weihua Wang & Yuichi Ikuhara. "Direct in situ observation of metallic glass deformation by real-time nano-scale indentation". Scientific Reports 5(1), 9122. (2015).


  • Zhaoru Sun, Gang Sun, Yixuan Chen, Limei Xu. "Liquid-liquid phase transition in water". Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 57, 810–818. (2014).

  • Gang Sun, Jirawat Tangpanitanon, Huaze Shen, Bo Wen, Jianming Xue, Enge Wang, Limei Xu. "Physisorption of molecular hydrogen on carbon nanotube with vacant defects". The Journal of Chemical Physics 140(20), 204712. (2014).

  • Jiayuan Luo, Limei Xu, Erik Lascaris, H. Eugene Stanley, and Sergey V. Buldyrev. "Behavior of the Widom line in critical phenomena". Physical Review Letters 112(13), 135701. (2014).

  • Yuchi He, Gang Sun, Kenichiro Koga, Limei Xu. "Electrostatic field-exposed water in nanotube at constant axial pressure". Scientific Reports 4(1), 6596. (2014).

  • Jing Guo, Xiangzhi Meng, Ji Chen, Jinbo Peng, Jiming Sheng, Xin-Zheng Li, Limei Xu, Jun-Ren Shi, Enge Wang & Ying Jiang. "Real-space imaging of interfacial water with submolecular resolution". Nature Materials 13(2), 184–189. (2014).

  • Meng Cheng, Duoming Wang, Zhaoru Sun, Jing Zhao, Rong Yang, Guole Wang, Wei Yang, Guibai Xie, Jing Zhang, Peng Chen, Congli He, Donghua Liu, Limei Xu, Dongxia Shi, Enge Wang, and Guangyu Zhang. "A route toward digital manipulation of water nanodroplets on surfaces". ACS nano 8(4), 3955–3960. (2014).

  • Ji Chen, Jing Guo, Xiangzhi Meng, Jinbo Peng, Jiming Sheng, Limei Xu, Ying Jiang, Xin-Zheng Li & En-Ge Wang. "An unconventional bilayer ice structure on a NaCl (001) film". Nature Communications 5(1), 4056. (2014).


  • Yu Zhang, Yanfeng Zhang, Donglin Ma, Qingqing Ji, Wei Fang, Jianping Shi, Teng Gao, Mengxi Liu, Yabo Gao, Yubin Chen, Limei Xu, Zhongfan Liu. "Mn atomic layers under inert covers of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride prepared on Rh (111)". Nano Research 6, 887–896. (2013).


  • Gang Sun, Nicolas Giovambattist, Enge Wang, Limei Xu. "Effects of surface structure and solvophilicity on the crystallization of confined liquids". Soft Matter 9(47), 11374–11382. (2013).

  • Limei Xu, Sergey V. Buldyrev, H. Eugene Stanley, and Giancarlo Franzese. "Homogeneous crystal nucleation near a metastable fluid-fluid phase transition". Physical Review Letters 109(9), 095702. (2012).

  • Zhaoru Sun, Ding Pan, Limei Xu, and Enge Wang. "Role of proton ordering in adsorption preference of polar molecule on ice surface". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(33), 13177–13181. (2012).

Before 2011

  • Limei Xu, Valeria Molinero. "Is there a liquid–liquid transition in confined water?". The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115(48), 14210–14216. (2011).

  • Limei Xu, Nicolas Giovambattista, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Pablo G. Debenedetti and H. Eugene Stanley. "Waterlike glass polyamorphism in a monoatomic isotropic Jagla model". The Journal of Chemical Physics 134(6), 064507. (2011).

  • H. EugeneStanley, S.V. Buldyrev, P. Kumar, F. Mallamace, M.G. Mazza, K. Stokely, Limei Xu, G. Franzese. "Water in nanoconfined and biological environments:(Plenary Talk, Ngai-Ruocco 2009 IDMRCS Conf.)". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357(2), 629–640. (2011).

  • Limei XuValeria Molinero. "Liquid- Vapor Oscillations of Water Nanoconfined between Hydrophobic Disks: Thermodynamics and Kinetics". The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(21), 7320–7328. (2010).

  • Limei Xu, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Nicolas Giovambattista & H. Eugene Stanley. "Liquid-liquid phase transition and glass transition in a monoatomic model system". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11(12), 5184–5200. (2010).

  • H.EugeneStanley, S V Buldyrev, G Franzese, P Kumar, F Mallamace, M G Mazza, K Stokely, Limei Xu."Liquid polymorphism: water in nanoconfined and biological environments". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22(28), 284101. (2010).

  • Limei Xu, Francesco Mallamace, Zhenyu Yan, Francis W. Starr, Sergey V. Buldyrev, H. Eugene Stanley. "Appearance of a fractional Stokes–Einstein relation in water and a structural interpretation of its onset". Nature Physics 5(8), 565–569. (2009).

  • Limei Xu, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Nicolas Giovambattista, C. Austen Angell, H. Eugene Stanley. "A monatomic system with a liquid-liquid critical point and two distinct glassy states". The Journal of Chemical Physics 130(5), 054505. (2009).

  • H.EugeneStanley, P Kumar, S Han, M G Mazza, K Stokely, S V Buldyrev, G Franzese, F Mallamace, Limei Xu."Heterogeneities in confined water and protein hydration water". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21(50), 504105. (2009).

  • S V Buldyrev, G Malescio, C A Angell, N Giovambattista, S Prestipino, F Saija,H. Eugene Stanley, Limei Xu. "Unusual phase behavior of one-component systems with two-scale isotropic interactions". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21(50), 504106. (2009).

  • H. Eugene Stanley, P. Kumar, G. Franzese, Limei Xu, Z. Yan, M. G. Mazza, S. V. Buldyrev, S.-H. Chen, F. Mallamace. "Liquid polyamorphism: Possible relation to the anomalous behaviour of water". The European Physical Journal Special Topics 161, 1–17. (2008).

  • H. Eugene Stanley, P. Kumar, Limei Xu, Z. Yan, M.G. Mazza, S.V. Buldyrev, S.-H. Chen, F. Mallamace. "The puzzling unsolved mysteries of liquid water: Some recent progress". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 386(2), 729–743. (2007).

  • Limei Xu, Isaac Ehrenberg, Sergey V. Buldyrev and H. Eugene Stanley. "Relationship between the liquid–liquid phase transition and dynamic behaviour in the Jagla model". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18(36), S2239. (2006).

  • Limei Xu, Zhi Chen, Kun Hu, H. Eugene Stanley, and Plamen Ch. Ivanov. "Spurious detection of phase synchronization in coupled nonlinear oscillators". Physical Review E 73(6), 065201. (2006).

  • Limei Xu, Sergey V. Buldyrev, C. Austen Angell, and H. Eugene Stanley. "Thermodynamics and dynamics of the two-scale spherically symmetric Jagla ramp model of anomalous liquids". Physical Review E 74(3), 031108. (2006).

  • Pradeep Kumar, Z. Yan, Limei Xu, M. G. Mazza, S. V. Buldyrev, S.-H. Chen, S. Sastry, H. Eugene Stanley. "Glass transition in biomolecules and the liquid-liquid critical point of water". Physical Review Letters 97(17), 177802. (2006).

  • Limei Xu, Pradeep Kumar, S. V. Buldyrev, S.-H. Chen, P. H. Poole, F. Sciortino, andH. Eugene Stanley. "Relation between the Widom line and the dynamic crossover in systems with a liquid–liquid phase transition". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(46), 16558–16562. (2005).

  • Limei Xu, Plamen Ch. Ivanov, Kun Hu, Zhi Chen, Anna Carbone, H. Eugene Stanley. "Quantifying signals with power-law correlations: A comparative study of detrended fluctuation analysis and detrended moving average techniques". Physical Review E 71(5), 051101. (2005).

Full List
Xu   Group
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©Limei Xu's Research Group